LAVA is a non-territorial specialist division of the British Veterinary Association (BVA).
LAVA's members are veterinary surgeons and students from the UK and elsewhere who are interested in laboratory animal medicine and science. Many members act as Named Veterinary Surgeons under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 in a full or part time capacity.
Vets working in academic, drug discovery, commercial and contract research environments are represented as clinicians or in other aspects of the care and use of animals in biomedical research.
LAVA promotes best practice and the dissemination of new technologies through its biannual meetings and other avenues. It represents laboratory animal vets at national and international levels for discussions and decision making on laboratory animal law, welfare, ethics, transport, techniques and disease.
About us
LAVA Events Schedule 2024/ 2025
Please see below our events scheduled for 2024, and into 2025.
Our events are open to Non-Members too, so please contact us to find out more.
We also welcome veterinary student attendance at reduced rates, so please contact us.
However our events are closed to the general public.
If you are already a member, please log in to find out more details.
For details from past events, please see the Member's area, or feel free to contact us.
Our events
Our members vary from Named Veterinary Surgeons (NVSs), to vets working in research as research scientists, to student members and general practitioners who may have an interest in a career in laboratory animal research.
As LAVA we represent our members by lobbying and campaigning with other animal-research-based organisations, by providing recommendations and advice on best practice to third parties, as well as supporting our members to uphold the principles of the 3Rs.
Membership is for those with bona fida research interest and requires an annual fee.
Members get access to a log in area where more information and resource can be found.
LAVA holds events for its members, and collaborates with other organisations to host events - information about which is available in the members login area.
LAVA also offers free membership to clinical veterinary students, and one year's free membership to newly appointed NVSs.
Being a Member of LAVA
LAVA is a non-profit organisation run by veterinary volunteers who work in the laboratory animal setting.
To become a member, please click below!

How to sign in to our Member's area!
Only current members will be able to log into our Member's area, and so all new sign up requests will require approval by LAVA.
Click on the Members tab, or the login icon in the upper right-hand corner of the website.
A login page will pop up, along with the signup option. Click on the 'Signup' link to begin creating an account.
Once on the Signup page, enter your email as used for your LAVA membership, and create a password of your choosing.
You need to wait until LAVA approves your signup request. This may take up to a week.
Once your request is approved, you can log in and browse through the Member's area on our website.
In the Member's area you will find information about the actions of LAVA Council, any current News and Announcements, as well as documents from our previous conferences in our Members' Archive.
If you are already a member, please log in; for other enquiries regarding the website sign in, please contact the Membership Secretary.

Welcome to the homepage of the Laboratory Animals Veterinary Association – LAVA
Council structure
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What we do
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Subdivision of BVA
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Ongoing Council Tasks
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